PL-100: Microsoft Power Platform App Maker Certification Video Training Course
The complete solution to prepare for for your exam with PL-100: Microsoft Power Platform App Maker certification video training course. The PL-100: Microsoft Power Platform App Maker certification video training course contains a complete set of videos that will provide you with thorough knowledge to understand the key concepts. Top notch prep including Microsoft Power Platform PL-100 exam dumps, study guide & practice test questions and answers.
PL-100: Microsoft Power Platform App Maker Certification Video Training Course Exam Curriculum
1. Introduction to the Power Platform
Installing Power Apps and Environments
1. Licensing for Power Apps
2. Signing up for Power Apps per user plan
3. Signing up for Power Apps Developer Plan
4. Why do I need a Work email address? And how can I get one, if I don't have it?
5. Different types of environments, and creation options
6. Create a Common Data Service database, and sample data
Creating a canvas app from a template, and creating one from scratch
1. 34. Creating a canvas app using a template; understand how to start building app
2. Saving my Power App
3. 34, 35. Connect to data sources in canvas apps
4. 36. Build canvas apps screens - Inserting a Gallery
5. Formatting the label component
6. Practice Activity Number 1 - The Solution
About PL-100: Microsoft Power Platform App Maker Certification Video Training Course
PL-100: Microsoft Power Platform App Maker certification video training course by prepaway along with practice test questions and answers, study guide and exam dumps provides the ultimate training package to help you pass.
Expanding our canvas app further, including using variables
1. 36. Add Pictures and Image controls
In this video, we're going to see how we can incorporate sales receipt pictures into our app. and it's fairly simple. We have in our table a column called "Expense Receipt" or something like that. Here we go. Yes, as we can see. We've made us the primary image.
So all we have to do with this form is add in that expenser seat.So you can see that the expensive seat looks like an image over here. So let's click "add." What happens now is that the computer inserts an Add Picture control. So you can see the ad picturecontrol here in the media gallery. So this is still in draught form. You may also want to add it to the detail screen as well.
And again, just select the form, and then you can add in the expense receipt image. There it is. So how does the "add picture" work? Well, you will be asked to upload a picture if you're on a mobile device, and then you'll be presented with the choice of taking a photo or selecting one already available. So let's see how this works. So if I run the app, go to City Power and Light. So this is where we add in an expense, and you can see it right at the bottom.
Tap or click to take a picture. So, first and foremost, I'm going to include a specific date and the value 12345 in the description. This is with an image, and I will go down to tap or click a picture. So this gets me to my dialogue box. I have a sales receipt here that I'd like to add. There it is. So I can change the picture to "soulish." And now when I click on Save, it takes just a bit longer because it's got to upload the picture.
So let's take a look at this now. And here you can see that we have successfully added the image. So adding images to your forms is very simple. All you need to do is have an image in your table, and then you can go into the form and edit the fields and add the image. And it will automatically add an "Add picture" control. If you're viewing it, it won't appear in the Add Picture control. Instead, it will add an image control because we don't actually need it to take a new picture.
Now, you might be interested to know that, actually, it adds more than that; it adds an "Add Image Control." So here it is, and you can change what it says. So it says at the moment: tap or click to add a picture. You can change it here. There's also more in the advanced sections, so check out Change Picture. If you want to change those words, you can do so here as well without needing to unlock it. But there's also an image underneath, because once you've added the picture, it needs to be able to show the image. So just have a look at this. If there is no media, in other words, if it's blank and we haven't taken a picture, then just give me parent default. Otherwise, give me the media itself.
So what we have added is "add a picture for free." But what if I didn't want the parent default? I mean, the parent default was empty. Well, we can change the default image. So if I just go into Microsoft Word, and this is just for quickness, I will put a plus button here, fill it in with a background color, and add a border to it as well. So this is a really quick picture. So what I'm going to do now—let's just go down a bit—is capture that, as I say, it's not the best picture in the world. It's not meant to be the best picture in the world. So I'm going to use the sniffing tool, which is this, and I'm going to get a rectangular snip of this picture.
Obviously, you can save a picture from the internet; you can do other things. But this is my very quick thing, and I will save it and call this the need to add a picture. Right? So, returning to Power Apps on the left, I can now get a preview, insert data, and use advanced tools. We've also got media. So what I can do is upload image, video, and audio files to use in my app. So if I upload my new tad picture, there it is. Now, if I return to the tree view and click on the image, there is my parent default, and I can unlock to change the properties. I can change this from the default setting for parents. Let's just delete that. I need to add a picture. You can see it. need to add a picture. There is no need to add a picture.
PNG So now if I go through, you can imagine you've got your own friendly sign at the front saying "Submit your receipt here" or something nice. So I'm going to go into Liquor and create a new receipt. In the background, you can see that we have this tap or click to add a picture. I will add the same sales receipt, and there it is.
So let's put in some data, check that, and it's done. So we can look at it, and there we are. So that's how you can get a different background if you so wish. When there isn't a picture audit, you want people to add one. So it does require unlocking the properties. But if you then go to the image that's down here and go to images, you can add your own picture to something that you have already uploaded in the media section.
2. 38. Global variables - seeing one account's expenses, or all expenses
Now in this video, we're going to add another screen, a menu screen. It will have some buttons on it that will allow us to go to the counts or the expenses. So let's add a new screen. So I'm going to rename this, and I'm going to call it Menus with two zeros are available. So if I sort it in alphabetical order, it will go right to the top.
But I'm just going to move it up to the very top like this. So what we're going to have are some controls. We'll have some buttons in particular. So we'll use an input device to insert some buttons. So there's one button, and I'm going to call it So we'll go to the text-view accounts. Here we go. You can see we've got all sorts of different colors. like, for instance, the colour when you hover over it and the colour when it's disabled. That is, when you are not permitted to press it. And we're going to have another one, and I'm just going to copy and paste that. And this will be View Expenses. So what happens when I select this? I want to navigate to the Account Browser screen.
And I want to go to the extent browse screen when I click on this one. Okay, so far, so good. Now I can always improve this by adding text. I can add labels, maybe some images, or other things to make it look a little bit better. But now if I play it, I click on that, and I get to this account screen if I do it again. So go back to the dual-zero menu and play again. Click here to view expenses. And I'm not viewing all of the expense notices. I can also go back to this screen, whereas I can't go back from the account. So let's just solve that problem first, because that's an easy one to solve.
So move that to one side, insert an icon, a left arrow icon, and that's just going to say select back, right? So that's easy enough. But I want to see all of the expenses. I don't just want to see lights on. As a result, it is not the easiest thing to navigate. If I have to go to, say, City Power and Light and then go back and forth and then go to View Expenses and just see City Power and Light, I want to see all of them. So, in other words, I want to have two sorts of mods. I want the mod where I'm viewing accounts, then I go to a particular account, and then I can add an expense to that account. But equally, I want to be able to see all expenses here, not just City Power and Light. So what I'm going to do is create a variable. So the variable will be Account.
Yes, if I'm going to view my account, then if I go through, I will get, for instance, the default account there. And alternatively, I want to have a view. Use accounts. No, if I'm going to view expenses, So let's do that. Now, this is going to be called a global variable. A global variable, as opposed to a context variable, which we'll have a look at later, can be used across multiple screens. Context variables are used for one specific screen. So let's add in a variable here, and it's very easy to do.
So I'll just use a semicolon to separate one function from another. Though obviously, if you are in English, Logan, you may need two semicolons. And the way to set a variable is to use the word "set." So this is the equivalent of "let" in very old languages. You're talking about 98, where you would have the Let command. So I'm setting the Use Account variable to 1, and then I'm navigating across. Similarly, if I click ViewExpenses, I reset the user accounts to zero and then navigate through. OK, so what can we use with this variable? How can we use it? Well, let's go to the "View Expenses" screen. So here we click on the gallery, and you can see that the items are being filtered down based on the account gallery selected.
So I'll insert an "if" statement. So if this is true, then do something else. Do something else. So if the use account equals one, then I'm going to use this account gallery. If not, then I just want the entirety of the Expenses Table. So hopefully you understand how that works. I have a variable, which I previously said is a global variable, so it can be used over multiple screens if it is equal to one. So I've gone through the accounts section. Then all I want to do is seed that one particular account with all of the expenses. If not, I want to see the entirety of the table of expenses. So now let's have a look at this. Let's play. So, when I go through view accounts, cohort winery, and receipts, there are no receipts at all. Let's just make sure it's working. We'll add a receipt. So just $1 is very cheap. And if you choose that, you will receive $1.
However, if I go through View Expenses, this gives me the entirety, including the one dollar that I have just created. Okay, that's good. Now, if I add an expense, I want to be able to choose the account, and I don't want to have a default. If, however, I go through View Accounts, then I don't want to be able to select my account. Okay, so what we do is go to the Expense Edit screen. So let's go into this combo box, where we have the default selected items as the Gallery Account Gallery selected. So again, if we are using accounts, if Use Accounts equals one, then give me that.
If not, give me absolutely nothing. However, as you can see, doing two sets of speech marks does not work in the power apps in this context because we have a data typecontrol and then some text. Those two are the same. So what I need to use instead are blanks, open brackets, and closed brackets. If you're familiar with nulls, that's a null datatype. If not, it's just blank. So that gives me my default.
Next, I don't want to be able to edit this if the user count is equal to one. Okay, so we've got two different ways of doing this. We can either make it invisible or we can make it uneditable. So let's take a look at making it uneditable. As we can see, this is a display mode feature. So if the number of accounts is equal to one, they give me a display mode of view. So if I go through the accounts, I just want to be able to view them. And if I go through the expenses directly, then I want to be able to edit it equally. I could say that use account equals one false comma if I went into the visible. In other words, I want to say that if I go through the Accounts section first, then I don't want to see the account card here. So let's take a look and see how we do. So if I go through View Accounts and go through Sift Coffee and add a new sip coffee, you can see that I can see the account, but I can't edit it. So let's add an expense value.
So this is a small amount; make it $10, put in a date, and click OK. So here's our ten-dollar amount, and then let's go all the way back. If we're clicking a lot of buttons, we might want to press the home button to be able to go all the way back. Here, if I'm viewing expenses, I view all of the expenses. So here is the $10 expense, and then I want to add a new expense, and the account default selected items are blank, and I get to add my own account so I can say which account I want. So let's add this in, and there we have our $11. And if we were to view accounts, buy six coffees, and then go to expenses, we could see the $11. So in this video, we've been looking at global variables. So global variables are assigned using the set function. So here I'm setting a new variable, Accounts, to number one.
Now, I could be using a string, I could be using records, and I could even set global variables to allowable if I saw, which I do now despite the word "set," which is used in some languages to make a link between this variable and what you're setting, that it's the equivalent of a lead. There is no link. So if I were to set a variable to a record and then change the record, then the variable would not change. There is no link. Once I set it, then it retains that value until I change it in the variable. And I can view all the variables that I have created by going to files and variables. So here we can see the variable and the definition. So when I set it, it includes the users and indirect uses. So these are global variables set using the set function.
3. 38. Context variables - adding a Sort icon
enses, and I'm going to sort it so I'm not at the top. So you can see now that it's a bit clearer: 110, eleven, etc. Now, that is ascending. If I go back to your accounts, it is still descending. The scope consists solely of that screen. So I'm using the same variable name, but the fact is that I'm not altering what each individual variable on each individual screen has. Now, one more thing about context menus: When I use navigate, there are up to three arguments I can specify. The first argument is required. Where am I going, and which screen am I going to?
The second is the screen transition. So the default for that is screentransition.com. The third, which we haven't gotten to before, is: are there any contact verbals you want to assign a value to? As a result, I could say salt descending zero. So if I copy this and we say that instead of just viewing accounts, we should view accounts ascending, And then for this one, view accounts are descending. So, for this first one, I'll sort descending zero. For the second one Sort descending is what I'm going to say.
Again, it must be in squiggly brackets when you are using context variables. So no squiggly brackets for global variables, and the squiggly brackets and the colon for context variables. And then I'm going to have another button that's just going to let you view accounts without this third argument. So sorting by descent is just going to be whatever it is. So now let's play and have a look. So if I view accounts, you can see that at the moment it is descending. If I click view accounts ascending, we'll go into that screen, and it's now ascending because the variable is ascending. So it might just help if I insert a label at the top, and this text will be sorted descending. So you can see whether it is set to zero or one. So if I click view account, it's set to zero, so it is ascending. When I go to view accounts, it is now one descending.
I can change that with the icon, but now it's number one. If I just view accounts without altering the sortdescending variable, it's just whatever it happens to be. So in this video, we've had a look at context variables. We've seen how it varies based on global variables. Global variables are for the entire app. Context variables are for just one particular screen.
And you set global variables using the set command. You do the setting for context variables using update. Context important. Because updating is a completely different function, you use update context. It updates a record in your source data, and you have squiggly brackets around what you are doing. And you use a colon to separate the context variable from the value. And with context variables, you can update more than one context variable at once. With global variables, you have to have separate set functions for that.
3. 37. The Search function - Searching for text
Now we've just got one more icon to add to our app, and then it will replicate the original. And that icon is a search icon. It is very easy to add a search icon. So we just look down here. You can use a filter or a search to get to the top of the list. It'd be very handy if you actually searched for these icons rather than going all over the place and trying to find them.
So there's my search icon. Next, I need your input. So instead of a label that displays, I'm going to have a text input that allows me to enter things. So there's my input. Now, do I need that border? Maybe not, but maybe lighter—who knows? I'm going to rename it; I can rename it over here.
So I will say that this is my search input. So those are the actual controls. So all we need to do now is add that functionality here. At the moment, I've just got somewhere where I can type, and that's it. so I could search for adventure. Press enter. Nothing happens. So I also need to get rid of what was there to begin with.
So the default is called the text input. So let's get rid of that. So let's go to the items in the gallery. And currently, we are sorting by columns. The counts table is the one we're sorting. It's a source, so it doesn't need to be a table. We'll have a look at that a bit later. We are sorting by name, and we're sorting either ascending or descending. So this doesn't need to be a table. It could be, for instance, a filter table.
So a filter table would be good if you could structure it exactly right. But there is a better function for us than the filter, and that is the search function. So the search function allows us to search for some text. Okay, so we're going to search for the search input. So there's our text. Then the question is, where are we going to search? And that's actually a good question. So let's go back to our data set.
So here is our data, and we need to go to, in this case, the account data. So, for example, let's search in the name, the account name, which we can't see in this view. We need a different view. So there is an account name. So if you search by name, I'll just type in name, and you can see that the computer is just using name. Now, the search input itself is a control, not text. So we need to extract the text from that. As a result, search input dot text. So that gives us that type of text, whereas search input gives us control. These sorts of indicators are very useful. Make sure you have what you're expecting to have.
So let's just go into this again. So if I type in adventure, you can see it instantly. I haven't had to press Enter. In fact, it was doing it when I was typing. Maybe I want one of those that are in Santa Cruz. I was looking for just the name. I wasn't looking for the location. Well, can I look for the location as well? And the answer is yes, you can. You can look for anything within these pages—multiple things. So let's have a look at this sort of I-column search that we've got. We're searching the account; we're searching for this. Where we're searching is in the name, but we can then add additional columns. So another column would be the city, for example.
So that is the address. One city is highlighted Simply type "City" to bring it up. There we go. So these are the factors you must consider when determining what to look for. So now let's have a look at this. Santa Cruz. There we go. Redmond. You can also add as many fields or columns as you want. So you can really extend this. In fact, the original is looking for the account number as well as the city as well as the entirety of the address, but it is not actually looking for the name.
So if we have a look at the original, this is the computer-generated one. And I play this while searching for contoso. It's not there. So we know how to add that in if we so wish. So select the gallery and just add in the name, and that will allow contours to appear as well. So the search function allows you to filter down a table. But instead of having to work out more complicated filters here, we can take some text and say, "I want you to look for that text in this column and this column under any additional columns you choose to have looked at."
So we can also add that to the expenses if we want to search through the description. So this is how we can do the search. I'm just going to change the board on this. I think it's just a bit too bold. So let's make one. I think that's looking better. We might also want the colour to be, say, a grey or dim gray, just so it's not so completely attrusive. So this is how you can use the search function.
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