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All ISTQB CTFL certification exam dumps, study guide, training courses are Prepared by industry experts. PrepAway's ETE files povide the CTFL ISTQB - Certified Tester Foundation Level practice test questions and answers & exam dumps, study guide and training courses help you study and pass hassle-free!

Fundamentals of Testing

14. Independent Testing [CC]

levels of independent testing. Parents always think the best of their kids. They are the most cute, well-behaved, polite, and funny kids on earth. Even if most of us think that this kid is the ugliest kid on earth, the same thing could happen with developers, and they could code. Developers sometimes do not see anything wrong with the code. Someone believes that they did invent a bug in the code. To make my point more clear, did it ever happen to you that you wrote a report or an email and you both read it several times, but after you sent it, someone could point out something wrong with your email? It happened to me a few times, actually.

I wrote an email stating it with "Hell, sir" instead of "Hello, sir." I didn't notice this mistake until I got a call from my manager wondering what was wrong with me. For that reason, it's important that someone other than the author of the code test the software. Still, we do want the developer who built the software to test it and delete it. But we accept that the testing done by that individual cannot be assumed to be complete. Developers can test their own code, but it requires a mindset change from that of a developer trying to prove it works to that of a tester trying to show that it doesn't work.

Therefore, we aim to have the software tested by someone who was not involved in the creation of the software and who has a low dependency on the software. This approach is called "test independence." The lower the dependency, the better. Here is a list of people who could test the software, listed in order of increasing independence.

Those who wrote the code Members of the same development team Members of a different group independent test team. members of a different company. outsourcing testing consultancy Of course, independence comes at a price. Using an assessment consultant is much more expensive than testing Zabuarguamself. We will talk more about testing independence in the test management section from a different point of view. But for now, notice the sorted list of various testers by independence. One trick I've noticed in some exam questions is the use of word independence versus word dependence. For example, the developer has both high and low dependency.

15. Developer - tester Communication [CC]

Developer tester Communication now, how can you tell Abeyancethat there is something wrong with your kids? You must say it as diplomatically as possible. This is exactly how we should communicate with Kate and the developers. Take it easy on them. After all, it's their kid after all. We all need to focus on good communication and work on team building. Testers and developers are not enemies, but they are a team working together with the same goal: delivering better-quality software. Communication problems may occur, particularly if testers are seen only as messengers of bad news about defects. If errors, defects, or failures are communicated in a constructive way, bad feelings between the testers and the rest of the project team can be avoided.

This applies to defects found during reviews as well as testing. However, there are several ways to improve communication and relationships between testers and others. Emphasize that the goal is to work together rather than go into useless battles. Keep the focus on delivering a quality product. Communicate findings on the product in a neutral, fact-focused way without criticising the person who created it. This is what we mean by communicating objectively rather than subjectively. Concentrate on the object of the action, which is software, and not the subject of the action, which is a developer. Try to understand how the other person feels and why they act as they do. There is a chance that it would be the best of mistakes. After all. At the end of any discussion, confirm that the other person has understood what you have said, and vice versa.

16. The Psychology of Testing [CC]

I used to dislike getting bugs because of the psychology of testing myself. My heart beats so hard when I get inspiration about a new bug. A new bug means bad news for me. It also means working extra hours or even losing the weekend till I fix this bug. I hated getting bugs, even though I enjoyed fixing them. But that's another issue.

After working at Apple as a developer, I wanted to work with a more professional development team, including all aspects of developers, testers, reviewers, managers, and so on. I learned there that it's much better to get a bug report from a colleague than from a user. At Apple, a bug report from a user means that the whole world on the internet is talking about your bug and how it destroyed their lives. It boosts my ego greatly when a bug appears on the development team's end rather than the customer's.

After that, I really encouraged testers to find more bugs for me. I encourage them by giving them pointers on how to test my code and which areas I want them to focus on and go into greater detail on. I also learned new techniques for testing my own code and collaborated with developers and testers to create a higher-quality product. code My goal as a developer was to create functional software. My accomplishment as a tester was to break the software before anyone else, especially the customer. So testing is seen by some as a destructive process, even though it's very constructive. Border risk management is similar to the automotive industry, where they have to distract a car by putting gadami in it and driving at 60 mph and hitting a wall just to ensure that passengers are safe after any accidents. Testers destroy software to build better-quality software. Testers bring bad news to coders.

Your baby's ugly testers work under intense time pressure at the end of the project. And because of that, many times the testing duration has to be cut short to deliver early. Looking for failures in a system requires curiosity, professionalism, a critical eye, attention to detail, good communication with the development team, and experience on which to base your error guessing. Usually, when the developer tests his code, it's only to make sure that the software works. But the testers need to take a different view, a different mindset. What if it isn't? What could go wrong? Would it work under all circumstances? The developer's view of testing is to show that the system does what it should and doesn't do what it shouldn't.

And the goal here is to show that the system is working. Success for the developer is achieved when the system works. That for us means easy test cases, but the end result will be the faults left in the system. The tester's point of view on testing is different. He's trying to show that the system does what it shouldn't or doesn't do what it should. The goal of the tester here is to find false. The tester's success is determined by whether the system fails. That means more difficult test cases for the tester. But the end result will be that fewer faults are left in the software. As an example, imagine we have a field in a form that accepts a value between 20 and 50. The developer might try ten below range, 40 within range, and 60 above range to test all cases.

But the tester will think, "How can we enter 40 in the field and trigger the system to not accept that value?" The tester will also attempt to enter the field and convince the system to accept it. Can you think of something? Well, with the right mindset, developers are able to test their own code. But transferring this responsibility to a tester is typically done to help focus efforts and provide additional benefits, such as independent, fully trained, and professional testing resources.

17. Code of Ethics [CC]

Hi. We will continue with the last topic of this section, the code of ethics. Some might wonder why we need to have a code of ethics. We are going to assembly-test the software. So what kind of ethics do we need to have while testing the software? Actually, ITE created a code of ethics for all the software engineers. So they bought eight symbol points that each software engineer needs to take care of while practising his job. And we are going to talk in detail about each one of them. First, one for the public. What does it mean? Why do I need to take care of the public while testing the software? What role does the general public play in this? I achieve. It says software engineers shall act consistently with the public interest. Well, what does this mean? We shouldn't participate in testing a software that will cause harm to the public if we are going to test the software that is a virus, for example, which is a kind of harmful software. It's called a virus because of that, but it still needs somebody to test it. So testers should not be involved in testing such software. This is the first point.

second point is that client and employer software engineers should act in a manner that is in the best interest of their clients and employers and is consistent with the public interest. This means that while we are going to test the software, if we find any way that will benefit our client or our employer, we should offer our advice in the best interest of the client and employer. For example, if we find a better approach to doing the testing that saves more money for the client, we should tell the client and/or the employer about it, and so on. So we will not hide anything from the client or employer that will help them or benefit them, or we will do anything for our sole interest against the interest of the client or employer.

That makes sense. The software developed by software engineers is the third point product. The software engineers shall ensure that their products and related modifications meet the highest professional standards possible. This simply means that we, as software engineers, should apply all the latest techniques of testing. We shall do our best to test the software in the best possible way, meaning that we should always apply various techniques to release quality software. Fourth judgment: software engineers shall maintain integrity and independence in their professional judgment. My interpretation of this point is that we should always have integrity. Imagine having two clients. One of them knows nothing about software and nothing about software testing, and the other client knows exactly what software is, knows about test cases, knows about running scripts, and knows about different kinds of techniques for testing. In this case, we should treat the two clients consistently. We should treat them equally.

We will not hide something or maybe do a very quick, lousy job for the client, who knows nothing about software, knowing that he will not recognise any fault that we might skip. And on the other side, we will not just put all our efforts into helping the client who knows about software just because he knows about software. In this case, we say we will always treat our clients the same way, whether they know software or not. Fifth-point management Software managers and leaders shall subscribe to and promote an ethical approach to the management of software development and maintenance. In any software project, there will be test managers, test leaders, quality managers, and quality assurance managers. Everyone should take an ethical approach to management. For example, they should always strive to meet the needs of their customers by developing software on time and within budget, as well as meeting the needs of all stakeholders. In Zabolic. Sixth point: software engineers must advance the integrity and reputation of their profession in the public interest.

This assembly means that you will be the interface for all testers. So you should act in a way that will give a very good image of software testers to the public. So you should always do what's right, so that people will look at testers in general in a good way. Point number seven: Software engineers must be fair and supportive of their colleagues. Be nice to your colleagues; help your colleagues; support them if they need any assistance; and offer them any advice they might need to help them do a better job as testers. Last but not least, self-employed software engineers must engage in lifelong learning about the practise of their proficiency and promote an ethical approach to the practise of their proficiency.

OK, so now you're a tester, you have a job, and you have a salary. Will that be it? No. You should always try to learn more and get certified, like you're trying to do right now in this course. Try to attend conferences, read books about software and software testing, read articles, and join forums. Join forums that will talk about the latest techniques in software and so on. This is your responsibility to yourself as a software tester. That will end our aid. Exam questions on this topic usually provide a situation and ask which binding from the code of ethics we followed or did not follow. Thank you.

ISTQB CTFL practice test questions and answers, training course, study guide are uploaded in ETE Files format by real users. Study and Pass CTFL ISTQB - Certified Tester Foundation Level certification exam dumps & practice test questions and answers are to help students.

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Feb 12, 2024
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The materials provided for the CTFL were comprehensive and very well-structured. The practice tests were particularly useful in building my confidence and understanding the exam format. After using these materials, I felt well-prepared and was able to solve all the questions on the final test with ease. Passing the certification exam was a huge relief! I feel much more competent in my role. Thank you!

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