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Extending Custom Objects and Applications
1. Extending Custom Objects and Applications Introduction
All right, so we're finally out of the Security and Access Knowledge area and on to the next knowledge area of the Exam Guide. and that has to do with extending custom objects and applications. And over my shoulder here, I have a diagram that I wrote, and I'll get a closer shot of that. I wanted to give you a glimpse of what we're going to be building in this knowledge area of the course.
And as well, on my screen, I've got the schema builder showing some of the objects and their relationships with the asset object. So you notice that we've got on the screen the product object, accounts, contacts, and more. And so in this section, we are going to be extending these custom objects and building an application that is an asset management application. We'll also take a look at the various relationship types available, such as master detail lookup and the creation of junction objects. So I wanted to provide context in the form of a scenario of building an application so that you can apply what you're learning in this knowledge area. So now I'm going to step over to the board and show you the diagram a little closer.
So yes, it is true—not only do I teach salesforce, but I also have this amazing gift of artistry just bursting through the seams here. So, as we look at my lovely diagram, which I'm very proud of, I'm thinking about printing it out and putting it on my home refrigerator. But I digress. This is my asset management application, and I've got this diagram for the primary object that we're going to be dealing with, which is the asset object. Now, previously, we introduced a couple of different record types for the asset object, and the first one was the medical equipment record type, and the other was the office equipment record type. Now, I'm sure thousands of people, if so many go through this course, are going to end up busting my chops that this is not an appropriate ERD diagram, and I probably have some things wrong, and I really don't care.
The main point is just trying to get across what we're getting ready to build and lay the groundwork. So that's what we're doing and why I'm having you do these things. makes sense, hopefully. And so with these two record types, we want to be able to assign medical equipment to a room. And so we're going to be creating a custom object called "Room" and a junction object called "Room Assignment." We're also going to attempt to leverage this RoomAssignment Junction Object to be able to assign the Asset Record type of office equipment as well.
One thing we're going to be covering as we get to that point is to see if we're able to do that or not because there's a limit of two master detailed relationships on a custom object as well. So as we extend this application, we now begin to see some of the complexities that are implied by this lovely diagram that I've drawn. Then there's the office equipment.
Not only do we want to be able to assign it to a room and be able to allow for either thematic or office equipment to be able to move from room to room and have different room assignments, Is there maybe some office equipment that may be assigned to an employee instead of a room? An example would be, for instance, a computer that would be assigned to an employee. And so we'll also be introducing an injunction object that we're going to call employee assignment. It will reside between the office equipment records for assets and then also for the user object as well. So we're going to get started in the next lesson, starting to build out some of these pieces and bring this lovely drawing to life. We're going to put legs on it, we're going to see it start breathing, and it's going to become a real live application on the Salesforce platform. So let's get ready. Let's go for it.
2. Creating a Custom Object
All right, so we're in the schema builder, and I've got my different objects here that are available, standard objects related to assets such as account, contact, and product. I'm going to go ahead and remove the asset relationship, which is a separate standard object that goes beyond the scope of what we're trying to build here. Based on my lovely diagram, I just can't keep my eyes off this thing, but I need to stay focused.
But what we're going to do is try and arrange this in the schema builder to try to match the loveliness that we have here. Let me zoom in on that. Look how nice that is. While I never became an artist for whatever reason, perhaps it was a missed calling or the fault of my parents. Okay, so I'm going to at least try to remove the asset-asset relationship. And then we've got product, account, and contact. Let me just move these up here. It's kind of like playing with spaghetti, isn't it? All right, so now we've got our schema and we've got our asset. So now we need to create a custom object, and we're going to create a room object.
And then, in between, it will create the junction object in the next lesson. This is known as room assignment. If we scroll down, we'll see. This is so terrible. Oh, man. I should have brought one of my younger children to do a better job than this. All right, the junction object, room assignment, and here's what we're getting ready to make. That is just terrible. I also took the shot at an angle because my marker board was reflecting worse than my bald head, so I had to go to the side here. All right, so let's create a custom object. If we click on Elements, we can create a new custom object by just dragging the object element onto the canvas. We're going to call this room plural. The label will be "rooms." starts with a consonant. Indeed.
And then, if you think about the naming convention for the room, this will be the field label for rooms. And we're just going to leave this as the default room name and type of text. We don't want to auto-number these rooms. We want to give them names. a lot of times, at least in Nerdville, where I spent the majority of my working years before I started teaching online and started having this much fun and getting paid for it. A lot of times there were different rooms and conference rooms, and they were named after cartoon characters, Lord of the Rings characters, or local sports teams.
And for whatever reason, we've got to name our rooms. So we're going to allow for that. in our asset management application that we're building here. I'm going to allow reports, allow activities, and track field history. I believe that you should always check these when you're creating them and then remove them later if you want, rather than wishing you could check it and then not being able to. I never can remember what a one-time-only selection is. So I just selected everything. Now in the real world, you would be building custom objects, which would be in development mode or, most assuredly, in the sandbox environment, and then deploying them after the fact. But, for the sake of time, we're going to live on the edge here and just make it into the deployed status. And I'm going to go ahead and check this, because it's there as well. It's similar to Everest's climate in that it exists. I've never climbed Everest, but I have checked this box. That's the next best thing. So clicking "Save" Alright, so now we've got our Room Custom object. It is that easy. Salesforce is just cool sometimes.
And one thing to note is that whenever you create a custom object via the schema builder, it does not give you a tab, and you don't launch the tab wizard. So you need to remember that if you want to create an ATAB for this custom object, you need to do that later. Let me go in and do that now while I'm thinking about it. So we're going to go into setup and create a tab for this custom object. So we're going to set up and go into tabs. And so now you'll notice we've created a custom object called Room. But you will get very confused if you're not able to find a tab for it. It's because it's not there because we built it in the schema builder. Let's create the tab now, and then later we'll create the asset management app and also include this tab in our application.
So here's our custom Room object. Now it's time to choose a tab style. And for me, this is the hardest thing in Salesforce. Seriously. Learning Apex is hard, but deciding which icon to select for your custom tab is the hardest thing on Salesforce. Well, the hardest thing related to Salesforce is signing up for a free account and figuring out what to put for the company name. Let me get back to the point. I'm going to select this because that word is big and impressive. So I selected Catacus. Should I know what that is? Man, I've got to look that up. Now it looks like a medical symbol, and it is. The catacus is the staff carried by Hermes in Greek mythology. I'm actually just reading what's coming up on Wikipedia. So I'm just going to leave it at this. It has something to do with a medical thingy. So since this is a medical type application dealing with asset management and we are dealing with medical equipment, we're going to call it "Good." It could be confusing, but we're going to just have this be the tab style for our Room custom object.
And then we're going to apply one tabvisibility to all profiles, and that's "default on." And we're not going to assign us to any applications yet because we want to reserve that for our asset management application. So we're just going to exclude it from all custom apps and not append it to any of the user's existing personal customizations. And so, therefore, you cannot get to this tab if you were to select any of these applications from the App Launcher. However, you can now access rooms via all items. And we do have the Custom tab, so we can associate it with an application once we create the Asset Management application. So now let's resist the urge to create a new room because we're dealing with relationships between objects, if you recall.
And now we've got this room that is not connected to anything, and we want to be able to associate or assign different assets to a room via a Junction object called Room Assignment. And as we get deeper into building out this application and adding additional objects later on, we don't want to have these different objects with data residing in them because it makes it harder to change the relationship type. And so I'll be going into more of that later. But that is one thing that I've done in the past whenever I create a custom object: I want to try it out and start fiddling around with it and creating records, and then it ends up having a negative impact when I want to change the relationship type between objects, for example. So we're going to just stop there at this point, and we're going to call this good, and we're going to next create a Junction object, and we'll do that in the next lesson.
3. Creating a Junction Object
At time. It's time to create a junction object. So we'll make this room assignment, and hopefully it will look at least as good as this in the schema builder. So now it needs to reside between Asset and Room, the custom object that we just created. So in order to do that, let me scroll down a little bit here. Actually, let me downsize a little bit to give me a little more real estate, and then let me drag a new custom object onto the canvas. We're going to call this room assignment. The plural would be "room assignments." I thought about sometimes just changing the plural to something stupid like "Bob," but that would probably get you fired.
So don't do that. It does start with a consonant, not a vowel. Keeping the defaults, and for a junction object, this is always a challenge: I usually just number these, using a data type of number and auto numbering, so the user isn't stuck trying to figure out what to call this room assignment. So I'm going to change the record name label to "Room assignment number." For the display format, I'm going to start with R for room. Just say "RA" for room assignment. And then a dash. And then, for whatever reason I'm pinwheeling here, I'm going to go with five characters. Start with the number one, and then, as well, I just checked these because I can't look back. Let's click save. Now here is our lovely new junction object. It's not a junction object yet because we need to have two master detail relationships, one to the asset and one to the room object. So now what we need to do is just drag Master Detail onto Room Assignment.
We're going to do the first one to the asset and then just take the default for the child relationship name of room assignments and the default for the sharing settings and the related list label. And I always like to, if possible, allow for the reparation of records. This allows for child records to be repaired in other parent records after they're created. And that's just in case something goes wrong with the data load. It's nice to be able to repair those records, for example. So click "Save." This red line represents the master detail relationship from room assignment to asset. So now we need one more master detail. And remember, you can only have two of these on a custom object. Maybe that's the limit on your test.
So make a mental note of that one. All right, so let me refer back to my diagram. Remember, we're going to link this to Room. Now you may want to just go ahead and do the related work and make sure you don't mess this up. As you can see, the child relationship is mentioned in the room assignments. We'll see if we're able to do that or not. We may need to change the child relationship name. Fill the label; there will be room. "Rooms," not "Bob," will be the plural. Take the defaults. So here is the related list label. We want to specify the title that the related list will have and all the layouts associated with the parents. So the parent would have the room assignment. The related list label would be labelled "Room." You can call it what you want. I think that's what I want to call it.
So we'll click Repair and Table and click Save, and we've got our junction object now. So now I want to look at what comes next as we progress further and get our junction object for room assignment. If we look back to my masterpiece diagram and let me zoom back out here, zoom in a little bit, we've got a room assignment. We've got our room.
This is the junction object with the two master detail relationships. Now I want to look at the implications of leveraging a junction object across multiple record types. And so I want to see if we're able to do that for the medical equipment record type as well as the office equipment record type, because we do want to be able to assign office equipment to a room as well, in addition to assigning office equipment to a user. So we're going to start digging deeper into the different record types as we introduce the ability to leverage a junction object across those multiple record types in the next lesson.
4. Creating a Hybrid Junction Object
I'm going to create another junction object called employee assignment. Before I do that, I want to introduce the user object to the schema builder here on the canvas and include someone else as well. And this is one rock-and-roll-looking object with that many relationships across all these different objects. It's pretty impressive, but still not quite as impressive as this.
So just to be fair, we are now going to be introducing another customer object that we hope will accomplish the task of serving as a junction object between the user and the office equivalent record type for the asset object. Now, we've not dealt with these record types yet in the schema builder, but that's part of what this particular lesson is about. So what we're going to do is create this Employee Assignment Junction Object. Now, if we go back into the Elements tab, here's our next customer object. This starts with a vowel. And once again, for a junction object name, I tend to do auto numbers.
And so for the room assignment, we used a display format of RA. So for employee assignment, I'll give it an EA. The format of the display in the name field indicates whether you're dealing with an employee assignment or a room assignment. Going back to five characters and starting with one, I'll click everything I can before clicking save. And now we've created our custom object. As you can see, one thing to note is that the user object is potentially connected to everything potentially. And if I hover over here, there's a lookup relationship from employee assignment to user. There are multiple lookup relationships, and that's because the created by, the last modified by, and the owner fields are all lookups to the user object.
So there are multiple lookups. And so let's try to create a master-detail relationship between assets and employee assignment. And keep in mind that when you're establishing these relationships, you're creating the master-detail relationship on the child, which connects to the parent. So, remember, we're going to be relating this new Master Detail field on the object of employee assignment up to the asset object, but we only intend for it to be used for office equipment. Now, I don't think I want to get so granular as to call this office equipment. I'm just going to call this equipment, even though it is going to be related to the asset object. So you will run into instances where the field label and field name—sometimes those don't even match—do not necessarily match the object to which they're related to.So I wanted to go ahead and introduce that into the equation as well, to kind of ratchet up the complexity a little bit. So we are relating this to the asset object.
And so remember, this will be the child relationship name, not to be confused with the related list label. The name is the API name behind the scenes. That's the underscore. Instead of space, we'll keep the sharing settings, the default, and the related list label. This will be the label of the related list on the parent, and so on the asset records, the related list label will be employee assignments. We'll make these repairs and tabulate them, then click "Save." And so now we have, in essence, a hybrid junction object that has a master detail relationship to one object and then look-up relationships to another. So now what we could do is go ahead and try and introduce a master detail relationship to the user because we have these standard fields that are lookups to the user that were created by and last modified by an owner.
And so I want to create a custom field here in another master detail relationship and see if it allows us to do that for the user and make this a true junction object or not. And so in the scenario, these are employee assignments for this master detail relationship with the user. I want to call this field label an employee. It's assumed that these users will be employees, and that's what I suspected but wasn't sure. I'm not able to do a master-detail relationship with the user object. And so we're going to have to just create this additional employee field as a lookup field instead. Let me cancel this. Let's do a lookup instead of employee assignment, and we're going to call this employee where we're looking up the user object.
And, as you can see, there are many more options available to us in the related field. We'll keep the defaults and click save. And so we have yet another lookup field to use between asset and user. So we've got one true junction object, which is a room assignment that has two master-detailed relationships, and then we have one hybrid junction object, which is due to there being one master detail and then a look-up. All right, so now that we have our pieces in place, it's time to start dealing with the different record types for our asset management application, and we'll look at how to leverage a junction object across multiple record types starting in the next lesson.
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