OSCP: Offensive Security Certified Professional Certification Video Training Course
The complete solution to prepare for for your exam with OSCP: Offensive Security Certified Professional certification video training course. The OSCP: Offensive Security Certified Professional certification video training course contains a complete set of videos that will provide you with thorough knowledge to understand the key concepts. Top notch prep including Offensive Security OSCP exam dumps, study guide & practice test questions and answers.
OSCP: Offensive Security Certified Professional Certification Video Training Course Exam Curriculum
Part 1
1. Download and Configure Kali Linux
2. VMWare Workstation 14 - Kioptrix Fix
3. Kioptrix Level 1 - Enumeration and Exploitation
4. Kioptrix Level 2 - Enumeration and Exploitation
5. Kioptrix Level 3 - Enumeration and Exploitation
6. Kioptrix Level 5 - Enumeration and Exploitation
7. Tr0ll 1 - Enumeration and Exploitation
8. Tr0ll 2 - Enumeration and Exploitation
9. Bonus Lab 1: Security Onion Lab Setup with VirtualBox
10. Bonus Lab 2: Kali Linux Setup with VirtualBox
11. Bonus Lab 3: Windows 7 Eternalblue Vulnerable VM VirtualBox Setup
12. Bonus Lab 4: Windows 7 Eternalblue Exploitation and Snort/PCAP Analysis
13. Bonus Lab 5: Ubuntu Server 12.04 Vulnerable VM VirtualBox Setup
14. Bonus Lab 6: Ubuntu Server 12.04 Heartbleed Exploitation and Snort/PCAP Analysis
15. Bonus Lab 7: SLMail Buffer Overflow Development
Part 2
1. Overview of Lab Commands and Tools
2. Download and Configure Kali Linux VM on VirtualBox
3. Download and Configure Window 7 Analysis VM
4. Download Vulnerable Lab VMs
5. PwnLab VM Enumeration and Exploitation
6. Brainpan 1 VM Enumeration and Exploitation
7. Mr Robot 1 VM Enumeration and Exploiotation
8. SickOS VM Enumeration and Exploitation
9. SkyTower 1 VM Enumeration and Exploitation
10. Introduction to Hackthebox
11. Active VM Enumeration and Exploitation
12. Windows 2008 Setup, Enumeration and Exploitation (Metasploitable 3)
13. Apache Struts Setup and Exploitation
14. Introduction to Hack.me
15. Wordpress Enumeration and Exploitation
Part 3
1. Install and Configure Kali
2. SQLi Labs Setup
3. WebGoat 8 Setup
4. OWASP Juice Shop Setup
5. bWAPP / bee-box Setup
6. OWASP A1 Injection Labs Pt 1
7. OWASP A1 Injection Labs Pt 2
8. OWASP A1 Injection Labs Pt 3
9. OWASP A1 Injection Labs Pt 4
10. OWASP A1 Injection Labs Pt 5
11. OWASP A2 Broken Authentication and Session Mgmt
12. OWASP A3 Sensitive Data Exposure
13. OWASP A4 XML External Entities (XXE)
14. OWASP A5 Broken Access Control IDOR and Missing Function Pt 1
15. OWASP A5 Broken Access Control IDOR and Missing Function Pt 2
16. OWASP A6 Security Misconfiguration Pt 1
17. OWASP A6 Security Misconfiguration Pt 2
18. OWASP A7 Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Pt 1
19. OWASP A7 Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Pt 2
20. OWASP A7 Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Pt 3
21. OWASP A8 Insecure Deserialization
22. OWASP A9 Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities Pt 1
23. OWASP Juice Shop Pentesting Exercise
About OSCP: Offensive Security Certified Professional Certification Video Training Course
OSCP: Offensive Security Certified Professional certification video training course by prepaway along with practice test questions and answers, study guide and exam dumps provides the ultimate training package to help you pass.
Prepaway's OSCP: Offensive Security Certified Professional video training course for passing certification exams is the only solution which you need.
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