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MO-300 Study Guide
- Study Guide 227 PDF Pages. Last Update: Feb 09, 2025
Whats Included:
- This book covers the skills you need to have for certification as "Microsoft PowerPoint (PowerPoint and PowerPoint 2019) (MO-300)" exam specialist.
Microsoft PowerPoint MO-300 Practice Test Questions and Answers, Microsoft PowerPoint MO-300 Exam Dumps - PrepAway
All Microsoft PowerPoint MO-300 certification exam dumps, study guide, training courses are Prepared by industry experts. PrepAway's ETE files povide the MO-300 Microsoft PowerPoint (PowerPoint and PowerPoint 2019) practice test questions and answers & exam dumps, study guide and training courses help you study and pass hassle-free!
The Microsoft MO-300: Microsoft PowerPoint (PowerPoint and PowerPoint 2019) exam revolves around the Microsoft PowerPoint application. Passing this exam is vital for your career as nowadays, presentations, as a visual way of presenting information, are used everywhere. So, the MO-300 exam proves your ability to complete set tasks using the Microsoft PowerPoint product. Moreover, once you take this test, you get a Microsoft Office Specialist: PowerPoint Associate (PowerPoint and PowerPoint 2019) certificate that proves your skills and knowledge needed in handling daily tasks as well as your expertise in performing presentations.
Exam Overview and Target Audience
The Microsoft MO-300 test checks the candidates’ ability to create presentations and slideshows. In more detail, you should be skilled in formatting, inserting images and shapes, adding slides and editing them, creating presentations as well as slide content. Moreover, each applicant should demonstrate his or her abilities in managing presentations and applying animations and transitions.
The target audience for this test includes candidates interested in working with PowerPoint and completing individual tasks. Professionals, instructors, and trainers can also take MO-300 exam to prove their skills or update them. So, if you are looking to gain new skills or switch jobs, the certification exam is worth taking as it makes you visible to your potential employers. Meanwhile, when heading a team, consider taking this tool to enhance communication of strategies. Insofar as a good presentation will impress everyone and quickly draw their attention to the task at hand.
The registration fee for the exam will be $100 for U.S. applicants, so check the vendor's official website for the cost of the test specifically for your country. However, when you pass it and become a Microsoft Office Specialist: PowerPoint Associate (PowerPoint and PowerPoint 2019) certified, it will be all worthwhile. When taking the evaluation, one must follow strict exam guidelines without using aids and materials. So, you will receive your certificate via email if you successfully complete the test for 50 minutes and attain a pass score that varies from exam to exam, but on average you should earn 700 points out of 1,000.
Thus, this test is available to anybody that uses PowerPoint on a daily basis for the reason that a good PowerPoint presentation makes information digestible and maintains the attention of the audience.
Skills Measured
Though the candidates that are opting for MO-300 exam have already had about 150 hours of practical experience with PowerPoint, they need to prove the right implementation of the principal features of PowerPoint and their ability to perform tasks independently, including:
- Presentations management. In this part, you should be able to modify slide masters, handout and note masters, change presentation options and views, configure print settings, slide shows, and prepare presentations for collaboration.
- Slides management. According to this section, each candidate has to know how to insert, modify, order and group slides.
- Working with text, shapes, and images. In other words, to pass the MO-300 exam will be tested your ability to format and insert links, text, images, and graphic elements alongside ordering and grouping of objects on slides.
- Tables, charts, SmartArt, 3D models, and media inserting. In this part, candidates will show their expertise in working with tables, charts, SmartArt graphics, 3D models, and media on slides. They should know how to create, insert, modify, and apply them.
- Transitions and animations appliance. And, as a result, applicants will prove that they are able to apply and configure slide transitions, animate slide content, as well as set timing for transitions on an Associate-level.
Preparation Resources for MO-300 exam
Knowing the MO-300 exam outline, it’s high time to prepare for it. You can find plenty of preparatory resources on third-party sites like Amazon to assist you in covering all the topics and being fully equipped on the final test day.
- MOS Study Guide for Microsoft PowerPoint Exam MO-300 1st Edition by Joan Lambert
This study guide gives an in-depth look at using PowerPoint including how to perform specific tasks like insert Charts, Tables, 3D models, smartArt, and media to your presentations. You can also learn more about managing presentations, slides, inserting and formatting images, texts, and shapes. Moreover, the author, Joan Lambert, has built her career around Microsoft products since Microsoft Word 2003 and has many Microsoft certificates in this field. So, this book is available on Amazon and Press Store and works great for anyone looking to expand their knowledge and expertise with PowerPoint product.
- Using PowerPoint 2019: The Step-by-step Guide to Using Microsoft PowerPoint 2019 (3) (Using Microsoft Office) by Kevin Wilson
The author wrote this step-by-step guide not only to help readers pass the MO-300 exam but also to introduce useful skills for using the program in their daily tasks. Thereby, through this edition, you will learn how to create and format presentations, work with charts and data visualization tables, export slides as PDF, video. and so on, and much more to help you prepare. What's more, using this book as a workplace reference, you'll easily get the hang of setting up your slides for presentations using projectors and TVs as well as online. This study guide is available to anyone in Kindle and Paperback versions.
- PowerPoint 2019 for Dummies (PowerPoint for Dummies) by Doug Lowe
This book will help you learn more about PowerPoint and presentation creating. You can rely on it to master complex things about formatting presentations, inserting audio and video, and using animated clipart to make your presentations or slideshow more informative and obvious. Doug Lowe describes everything in simple language that everyone can easily follow through and learn to use PowerPoint product. So, the skills from this guide come in handy when you need to make a presentation or prove your abilities on the MO-300 exam.
Now that you are thoroughly familiar with the Microsoft MO-300 exam procedure and the certification you get from successfully passing it, you understand that the test will come easy when you have the right tools to effective preparation. You can refer to official study guides or use third-party resources, but either way, it will help you get the results you want and embellish your CV with the obtained certification.
Microsoft PowerPoint MO-300 practice test questions and answers, training course, study guide are uploaded in ETE Files format by real users. Study and Pass MO-300 Microsoft PowerPoint (PowerPoint and PowerPoint 2019) certification exam dumps & practice test questions and answers are to help students.