Practice Exams:

Google Professional Cloud Network Engineer – Configuring Network Services: Load Balancer, CDN , DNS Part 3

  1. 3.3 Configuring and maintaining Cloud DNS.

So as we saw, Cloud DNS is one of the networking service that are available as a domain name service. It is reliable, resilient, low latency DNS serving from Google Cloud platform worldwide. And what it does, it actually takes your name domain name and converts that into your IP address. And we are going to see this in demo some of the features private zones, it is cost effective and we are going to see the pricing aspect as well. It supports DNS forwarding and it is 100% uptime and highly available you can think of they are providing 100% uptime SLA on the DNS service.

So Cloud DNS is searchable reliable, managed, authoritative domain name service out of Google Cloud platform. It is low, latency and high availability. 100% uptime SLA. DNS. Translate your requests like Google. com into the IP address and that’s the basic main use of DNS. Cloud DNS is programmable. You can easily publish and manage millions of DNS zones and records using simple interface or CLI. Some of the best features enterprise grade connections, your 100% low latency availability or SLA automatic scaling, cost effective. It supports any cast name servers. Managed zones. You have managed zones inside it and managed through API or Web. We are going to actually get into all of this shortly.

Cloud DNS is built around the projects, managed zones, record set and changes to the record set. So you have project and inside that you are going to create the Cloud DNS. Inside cloud DNS. You have managed zones. You can go ahead and do a record state collection or allocation and you can do resource record charges as well. Performance and timing, propagation of changes. So if you make any changes to the hosted zones or Cloud DNS, it is going to take some time because there is TTL and there are many places the records are getting cached.

So it takes actually time to resolve your IP addresses from the back end and we are going to see this in demo as well. The changes push to DNS server, DNS resolve pickup and the changes when their cache of the record expired and each and every domain DNS entry. For all these entry you have TTL time and we are going to see that as well. That time to leave is actually defines for any caches who is actually storing that DNS, how much time it should keep that particular cache before it gets invalidated or deleted. So we are going to CTL configuration as well. Some of the basic concepts I want to focus it here. These are the record types which you can use it for any DNS. It’s not only specific to Cloud DNS but the main thing is you do IP assignment using a record. Okay, map your host name to their IP view. For addresses you use CNAMEs like aliases for your additional domain names and we are going to use CNAME as well.

And then you have name servers and name servers is actually your domain DNS zones which you can connect to and we are going to see that as well. And these are the only important attributes which you have it all other attributes are like based on the requirement or if you want to understand, you can go ahead and do it. But for your case, these are the main attributes. You are going to configure it. Some of the method methods are the permissions that you need to have it to create a domain name, right? So DNS change, create DNS changes, create like updating record set, deleting the record set. If you want to create DNS record then definitely you need to have managed zones permission for the project and for you. There are other permissions also depends on the roles.

Like DNS admin can do each and everything, DNS owner or DNS editor, all of these can do each and everything to the DNS. They can create delete, manage zones and all that. So this is like group of permissions which are attached to the rules. The other rules that are like DNS reader are roles viewer and these are like just to read only they cannot make any changes to the DNS records. The pricing, if you look at the pricing, pricing is very cheap. And when I say cheap, right? Zero to 1 billion queries, forty cents per million queries per month. And this is the bucket is calculated per month. If you go over 1 billion, it is going to be twenty cents per million queries per month for zones, it is going to be twenty cents per zone. For managed zones, if there are more than 25, like 26, up to 10,000, it is going to charge you ten cents per managed zones per month. So they have given this particular example here, if at all you are very small one website company, right? And you need say five zones.

Five zones, the zone cost is zone cost will be like based on twenty cents per zones, it is going to be one dollars if you assume that you have 10 million queries per month. So the queries cost will translate based on forty cents per million queries, it is going to be $4. So total it is going to be $5 per month as your DNS cost. Considering these parameters. Okay? So we are going to get into cloud DNS demo in detail where we will register a domain name which is not inside Google cloud platform. It is outside Google cloud platform. You can have domain registration without even having Google cloud platform. So we are going to do a domain registration. We are going to create DNS cloud DNS records and we are going to map it and use some services from Google cloud platform to expose that information outside world using that domain. Okay? So if you have any questions on theory, let me know. Otherwise you can move to the team. Thank you.

  1. 3.3 Configuring Cloud DNS –Demo

So to start with, I’m going to domain Google. com to get the domain name the way I want to have it. I’m just going to search the domain name which I would like to get it. So I got Google Cloud certification. com as an exact match because the other domain which I was trying is not available. I went ahead and put my payment information and all other information which is required to register the domain and the form is submitted. I’m waiting the registration to get done. So the domain name is getting registered and this is not a part of Google Cloud platform. This is outside Google Cloud platform as a domain name service or registration service. Okay, it’s just a registry. I think it is taking time. Yeah, it’s ready now we can go here and check different information. You can go to go and click DNS and see this name servers. And this is very important for us because this is what we are going to use it to configure it. Your domain will stop serving because the domain has been verified.

Okay, let me go back to email and confirm that. Okay, let me click verify email. Now the email has been verified. Dismiss. So we have the name servers and that is our interest to get those name servers. And this is what we are going to use. It in DNS. So this is our domain name, Google Cloud Certification. com which we are going to use it. Let me just go ahead and hit that and see if anything is there. It says IP. Nothing is site can be reached. IP address could not be found. So there is no IP address association or the name server association then. So let me go back and go to network and DNS cloud DNS. So there are no policies and zones. Okay, so cloud DNS zones, just give them my domain name, Google Cloud Certification. And I have the same domain name.

I’m not going to select this DNS check, but I’m going to put forward some description there. So Google cloud training certification. Create So if you look at what we got, we got the name server information and these are the hosted zones. What I’m going to do is I’m going to take these name servers and put it here in our domain registry. So we are going to remove this and we are going to take this Google domain name to custom one. So let me just align a little bit so that we see it what we are trying to do it. Okay. Now, let me add Nscloud C. One Google cloud domain. Copy paste. If I click OK, two or more required. Let me just add it. All others copy paste. Just copy paste c three, just change to C three, add one more, change to C four and save. So we have added name servers here. That’s how traffic will be routed to this name servers and name server will try to locate your IP address from the back end but we have not configured any IP address yet. So let me go ahead and add record set and this record set will allow me to add a record and that is IP address mapping. So let me go ahead and put here IP address IPV four what’s my load balancer IP address? I have multiple accounts, I need to just change it GCP project go to load balancer. Okay, I don’t have any instance. There is an instance group but I don’t have any active virtual machine. Let me go back to load balancer.

So I have this particular it IP 35, 186, two or 299 just copy paste it here create so a record is created which will map your Google. com to this one. Okay, sorry, I should have not put we’ll go ahead and add CNAME for that as an alias so it’s saved. I’ll go ahead and add CNAME to route even www that is our alias. com create. Now we have CNAME so it can take www dot GoogleCloud Certification. com as well as Google Cloud Certification. com.

So now we have DNS created and we have everything set up. So let me if I hit it here so this will take some time guys because DNS propagation definitely takes some time. We’ll be back, I’ll pause the video and we’ll be back after some time. So it’s been a while now let me go ahead and just copy paste and then try to hit the link refresh. Yes, it is hitting to our backend and right now my load balancer is pointing to cloud storage bucket. So that’s why it is showing me. And now your Google Cloud certification that is working. Let me go back and see if I have any virtual machine. Okay, I don’t have any virtual machine. I’m going to create one virtual machines from Marketplace. I’m going to go to Marketplace and create the instance the Lamp one just Apache Lamp. I’m just using Quick methods to launch any instance which has got web server in it. I am leased bother about all other things. So here you go. I’m just keeping everything same. Let me just go and use small one and everything is same. Just http is allowed. I’m going to use default network deploy. So it is getting deployed now it is deployed. I just pause the video so you see the external IP address, going to copy it and put that in my DNS. Go back to network service DNS edit. I’m just going to change that IP address and save so this has been saved but it is not going to replicate the traffic as of as it is or quickly the TTL or time to leave that’s what we have configured is 300 seconds and that is five minutes.

So if I go here, go back here, nothing has been changed. It is still pointing to my cloud storage. You can see it. We need to wait for some time for the DNS to get propagated. I’ll pause the video, it’s been around 15 minutes. Let me go ahead and refresh it. So it is pointing to Apache on debion. So means our domain name is working. It is hitting our DNS service and ultimately hitting our back end IP address to get the services. Let me go back and try to add additional subdomain network service DNS. So this IP address is getting mapped. Let me add additional subdomain and this images will point to my load balancer IP address. Let me go ahead and get the load balancer IP address. So the back end is load balancer. My buckets IP address is 35 185. Let me just copy it over and put it here delete. So if at all I put Images Google cloud certification. com, it should point to the Images. Images means the cloud storage bucket. So this is subdomain. This is how you can create the subdomain. So currently, images Google Cloud Certification. com is not working. But we can come back after some time and see it is working and it is hitting to our cloud storage bucket.

So I’m going to pause the video for it’s been ten minutes now. Let me go ahead and hit it. Hit the images. Google Cloud certification. com. Yeah, it appears actually it is hitting properly to my cloud storage bucket. Let me go ahead and copy the image name and then paste it here. Yeah, it is getting routed to our subdomain which is Images Google Cloud Certification. com. And this is the image which is there on my cloud storage bucket. Again, going back my plain domain name Google Cloud Certification, it is heading back to Apache. So we have created Domain, we have created Subdomain as well. And they are pointing to two different IP addresses in the back end.

So as a part of this particular demo, what we have done, we have actually went to the domain name service and got the domain name. I did not actually went to GoDaddy because GoDaddy, I’m having some problem in mapping it. So I went to domain Google. com, and this is not inside the Google Cloud Platform service. It is outside Google Cloud Platform. And I just booked this one, registered this domain and then I went ahead and managed changed this one. So there are default name servers which was there. So I just changed this one name server back to if I go here, DNS names with these name servers. That’s how whenever the call goes to Google Cloud Platform, it will be routed to these back end services and then we have mapping for those.

Ultimately it will be routed to either this IP address or that IP address based on what is that we are hitting it. Okay, so we have created the back end service which is our lamp and attached here for Google Cloud Certification. com as a main domain. And then we have created Subdomain which is Images Google Cloud certification. com, and we mapped it to our load balancer. And our load balancer is pointing to cloud storage bucket where we have some images. Okay, so that’s it for cloud DNS. If you have any questions on cloud DNS, let me know. Otherwise, you can move to next lecture. Thank you.