Practice Exams:



Hi and welcome back again. So now you will have an exam fully simulated PMI Rmp exam to test your understanding of the whole course content. This exam was based on the PM book, the 6th edition and the Practice Standard of Rest Management. And the practice exam you will take now contains 170 courses questions structured as per the real PMI Rmp exam outline. The 170 questions are structured as per the five exam domain. They are very similar to the real exam questions and you can review the detailed explanations. After completion of the exam, you will have three and a half hours to complete the Pmirp exam exactly same as the actual exam. You will have 210 minutes in order to full to answer the 170 questions. You will have a timer on the screen showing the remaining time for exam.

Don’t keep your eyes on the timer, you just need to take a look each 40 or 50 questions and you can highlight the questions which you want to revisit. When you are done with 170 questions, this feature is available also in your real exam. You can highlight the questions which you want to revisit later on. And my advice for you to have the real exam experience of your mobile have a simple calculator, an, a four plain paper and a pencil. This is what you will have in your real exam and you will have an indication of your readiness for the real PMI Rmp exam. I advise you to read the four chapters from the PMBoK. Stakeholders communication, procurement and risk management knowledge areas. I advise you as well to read the Practice Standard of Risk Management before you go into this exam. Thank you so much. I will see you later.